Contact Details
- 01460240507
Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School, Stembridge, Martock, Somerset, England, TA12 6BP
Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School
Our Intent in Physical Education
Our curriculum approach to PE reflects our vision statement to provide an engaging and inclusive curriculum, which builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding of all children as well as developing confident, inquisitive and independent learners. In particular, we are keen for pupils to discover their own passion and enthusiasm for sports and physical activity. We aim to foster children’s interest in physical wellbeing and healthy lifestyles in order to establish long lasting lifestyle choices.
We aim for all children to develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities. We want all children to enjoy learning different sports and skills, and have the opportunity to compete against other teams, both in school and outside. We strive to offer extended opportunities for those pupils who wish to continue the activities through specialist coach-led after school clubs. We want to build confidence in co-ordination and enable children to confidently use their bodies to exercise and try out different sports.
Our Implementation of Physical Education
PE is delivered discretely by the class teacher, TA or a specialist coach on a weekly basis. PE is taught in line with the objectives stated in the National Curriculum. The PE yearly overview indicates the area of PE to be covered each term for every class. This yearly overview includes a variety of indoor and outdoor activities and sports to provide children with a progressive learning experience. At the beginning of each term, we take our objectives from the progression of skills document. This ensures that the depth of knowledge, understanding and skills are built upon through the primary years. Where possible, we also link PE activities to the school topic or core curriculum subjects. Teachers are given autonomy to teach objectives and sequences of lessons and units how they deem appropriate to meet the needs of the children.
Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School, Stembridge, Martock, Somerset, England, TA12 6BP