Contact Details
- 01460240507
Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School, Stembridge, Martock, Somerset, England, TA12 6BP
Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School
Our Intent in Science
At KEPS, it is our intention to provide a Science curriculum, based on the National Curriculum, that ignites children's inquisitive nature and fosters their curiosity for learning about themselves, the amazing world around them and how it behaves. We aim to help develop a key KEPS attribute - Curiosity. This is an essential ingredient in wanting to learn, and Science at KEPS, inspires children to confidently ask thought-provoking questions and discover answers through thoughtful observation, research and exciting practical investigation.
Throughout the programmes of study, the children will acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year group. Children will be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science in the 'real world', today and for the future and to make links across the wider curriculum. We aim to inspire and enthuse children to explore their interests or hobbies further through STEM activities, both inside and outside school.
Our Implementation in Science
At KEPS, Science is taught discreetly within a teaching sequence of work. We follow and adapt plans from Hamilton Trust which link to all the objectives set out in the National Curriculum for each year group with progression of key skills being built upon as the children move through the years. Each lesson will include key vocabulary in order for children to articulate their scientific understanding. All children have hands on science teaching with emphasis on 'working scientifically.' Children will be taught the processes of investigating, planning, observing and hypothesising often as a discrete skills based sessions. Teachers are given autonomy to adjust the taught sessions but will ensure all the objectives are covered within the unit. Flexibility in the order of the units within the year to make full use of any links to other curricular areas is encouraged.
A Scientist at KEPS will;
Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them;
Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.
Develop the essential scientific enquiry skills to deepen their scientific knowledge
Develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment for their learning in Science and make links across the wider curriculum.
Talk about Science in the ‘real world’ and how it relates to future careers.
Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School, Stembridge, Martock, Somerset, England, TA12 6BP