Contact Details
- 01460240507
Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School, Stembridge, Martock, Somerset, England, TA12 6BP
Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School
We are a mixed Year 5/6 class. Our class teacher is Mrs Lane.
Our PE day is Monday.
Oak Class Updates
w/c 13/01/2025
Thank you so much for encouraging your children to read independently and for reading with them at home. This helps them, not just academically but emotionally, too. In a fast-paced technological world, we must foster a love for snuggling up with a good book! We have been finding out our reading ages and AR levels this week. There has been lots of fantastic progress, but there is always room for improvement. Keep reading!
The children started learning more about 'Invasion games' in PE. They thought back to and showed how we 'dribble' the ball in different sports. We even learned how to do the Indian dribble in Hockey. It's great to see their enthusiasm as they get active.
In French, we are learning how to say more about ourselves and how to greet and ask others how they are.
We have started our Art topic on 'Activism' with our focus artist being Banksy. We created our own computer-aided graffiti name tags - some funky designs!
w/c 7/1/2025
Happy New Year!
The children have come back to school refreshed and ready to learn. We have started our new History topic on the 'Maya Civilisation'. We have already considered how advanced they were and compared them to what else was going on in the world at that time.
In Maths, the year 5s are learning about Multiplication & Division and the Year 6s are learning all about Ratio.
In English, we are writing biographies. This week, our focus is Usain Bolt. Next week, we get to choose our favourite sports star, research them and write all about them.
In Computing, we have started to learn about websites. We will incorporate Computing with History as we create a website all about the Maya.
Oak class have been busy making Christmas cards, decorations, working out Christmas maths, playing Christmas games, watching a Christmas film, eating Christmas dinner, Christmas chocolates and more! We are still not Christmassed out! The children performed their songs and poems to the school and their families. Their enthusiasm and enjoyment was clear to see, what a super bunch!
We have also watched 'Holes', which they have been patiently waiting for. It's been a great Autumn term, looking forward to more learning fun in Spring!
Merry Christmas everyone!
We have finished our English reading book 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. The children have been hooked, not wanting me to stop reading as they want to discover what happens next! The children have started writing a newspaper report on Kissin' Kate Barlow as well as character descriptions on Stanley Yelnats. Next week, we will watch the film so we can see if the characters were really as we imagined!
Our door hangers are completed! We are just evaluating our skills and then they will be sent home.
We have been busy practising the Christmas performance of poetry, songs and jokes. We are nearly there; lots of Christmas themed learning next week!
It's been a busy week in Oak class. The excitement is building towards Christmas!
The children are just loving our Science topic 'Materials:Properties and Changes' and this week, we set fire to different materials. Making the science come to life really embeds their learning and they can easily talk about past science experiences as the experiments they carry out make memories.
We are nearly at the end of our book 'Holes'. There have been some giggles as they grasp the humour of the story. They have really engaged with the characters. All in all, another great week!
The children, as geographers, investigated coastal erosion around the UK. There was lots of mature discussion about why we should/should not assist those people with houses that are disappearing into the sea. The costs involved was a factor, we worked out as a class, that it would cost the minimum of £19 million if sea walls were built around the UK. There is also the thought that 'is this natural?'. We carried out an experiment to show the stages of erosion.
In RE this week, we performed Salah in class. Without the religious connotations, the children concentrated on their breath and thankful thoughts. They washed their hands to prepare themselves first and we talked about how that made us feel. They said they really enjoyed it and would like to do it more.
This week in Oak class, the children have been enjoying beginning their DT project. They have designed a door banner. They have chosen their material and are starting to sew the parts together.
In PE, the focus was on 'rolls'. Trying to focus on slowing it down to add control both backwards and forwards. We had a snowy 'run a mile', the children couldn't wait to get out in the snow so we had to make the most of it!
In Science, we used a light meter to measure how much light passes through translucent, transparent and opaque material.
In Oak class this week, the children have been writing diary entries from the perspective of a Windrush child about to embark on their journey from the Caribbean to England. We have been reading the book 'A Place for me'. They thought hard about their emotions and the features of a diary. They have written some amazing work!
In PE, we have started Gymnastics. This week we practised stag leaps and cat leap full turns. They practised being silent and graceful.
We had a very special visitor in Computing. We were virtually visited by a STEM ambassador, the model manager for a nuclear power station! She told us how her and her team use CAD (Computer Aided Design) to design the different parts of the massive project. The children have been using Tinkercad and could relate their learning and use of the platform to how it could be used in real life. Lots of the children were inpired and would love to take the STEM career path. Such a great inspiration!
In RE, we began our topic on Islam. The children discovered that Abbas ibn Firnas was the first human to fly. They also found out that Muslims are questioning people.
Oak class have come back from the half term break with a renewed zest for learning. I have been so impressed with their work ethic. They have started choosing the material for their DT project (thank you for all your donations). I can't wait to see how they turn out; their designs look brilliant!
In English, we have been looking at biographies and autobiographies. We have been looking at some biographies on Nelson Mandella and noticing the difference between fact, fiction and opinion. The children then wrote their own autobiographies.
In Computing, our new topic is 3D design. The children have been finding their way around Tinkercad where they will design their own 3D project. In Geography, our new topic is Coasts and Erosion. This week, we revised our map skills using 6-figure grid references. Keep that thirst for knowledge Oak class!
We have crammed so much in this half term! The children have been so resilient and curious in their learning. We have completed our Science topic on Materials: Mixtures and Separations. This has involved 'thinking as a Scientist' as we have completed many experiments. The children love to be involved in 'hands on' learning and their understanding of different processes has benefited because of this. This weeks experiment was observational as they made their own 'salt flats'.
We missed the year 5s this week as they were off having a fantastic time on their residential. We enjoyed listening to their stories today on their return. No wonder they are so tired, they got up to so much in those few days!
A successful and busy half term, have a relaxing break ready to go again in the run up to Christmas!
Another productive week in Oak class. The children finished their brilliant self-portraits and displayed them in their very own art gallery. They really are masterpieces, you're very welcome to come in and see them!
In Computing, they have been learning how to communicate online safely. In Science, there has been more experiments, this week on dissolving. The children really think as Scientists with their fantastic questioning. In French, their language skills are really building. The children can now say what subject they have on what day and time in French - fantastique!
In English, the children have surpassed my high expectations with their persuasive letters on apartheid. Such maturity, wonderful formal tone and language - Wow!
In English, we are reading 'Journey to Jo'burg'. The children have been astounded by the differences in society in South Africa during these times. We have had many mature discussions on apartheid.
In Science, we explored the factors that affect the time it takes for a substance to dissolve. We ensured that our test was fair and accurate by considering different variables such as temperature and stirring speed. This experiment not only helped us better understand the dissolving process but also emphasised the importance of controlling variables to obtain reliable and meaningful data. Their enthusiasm for this topic has been lovely to observe.
Our french topic 'a l'ecole' has been teaching us all about the subjects and times in a school day. The children's language skills and eagerness to 'give it a go' is really impressive!
More experiments in Science, this week. The children made their own water filters just like they have to use on the International Space Station. The classroom was buzzing with excitement as the dirty water poured in came out so much clearer! Cotton wool seemed to be the secret!
Some of the year 6s attended a netball tournament at Huish Academy where they put their recent skills into play. They were fantastic, so quick and such great teamwork. They came a well deserved second, most of all, they loved it!
In English, the children have designed an advert for Lego or a toy. They used a rhetorical question, a superlative and came up with a slogan. Some brilliant work!
Another busy week of learning in Oak class. The children have created some wonderful watercolours of British wildlife which will inspire their poetry.
In Science, they learned how to separate materials using a sieve. They had fun finding gold in amongst sand!
In History, we measured out the length of the Bayeaux tapestry and wrote persuasive letters on who they thought should have had the right to the throne.
In PE, their netball skills are building and some children will be putting these into practice at a CLP netball tournament next week.
Oak class have been amazing us with their poetry skills this week, linked with the book 'The Lost Words'. The children took photographs of nature, and mimicking the illustrator's style created silhouettes of wildlife against the background. This is part of a longer art project which will include watercolour paintings alongside their innovated poems.
In Computing, the children learned how data is transferred over the internet. They did this the old-fashioned way writing messages to each other and finding out who the message belonged by searching for their allocated number.
In History, they studied the Bayeux tapestry (which is not actually a tapestry!) searching for clues as to how the Battle of Hastings played out. They then created their own version of one of the scenes.
We have started our class reading book 'Shadow Jumper' by J. M. Forster which is about a boy that has a skin allergy to the sun. Lots of encouragement for reading at home at least 4 times a week. Reading means prizes!
Our PE focus this half term is 'Invasion games'. We practised the different passes in netball this week, over shoulder and chest pass. The children showed some impressive skills and we were working on putting more power in to our throws.
The children wrote their first story this week based on the English folk tale 'The Peddler of Swaffham', it was great to see their imagination shine through. Another brilliant week in Oak class!
Welcome back Oak class!
We have had a lovely, relaxing introduction back to school. We have spent lots of time getting to know each other, some surprising facts about brocolli stalks! The children have come in to school with super attitudes to learning and are taking on the task of role-modelling their excellent behaviour to the rest of the school.
We are all looking forward to a busy, but fun, year in Oak class!
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What a week! Firstly, the children blew us all away with their performances of 'Matilda, the musical' at the theatre on Monday and Tuesday evening. Then again, on Thursday, they performed again to the whole school. The children were such a great audience, were singing along to the songs and giggling away! I am immensely proud of them - what talent! It felt like a professional production rather than a 'school play'! Just WOW!
Then, it was Olympic day on Wednesday. The children located the host cities around the world, discovered about the history of the Olympics, linking to our Ancient Greeks topic, had their own mini-olympics on the field, created olympic rings out of willow and then an Olympic themed dance workshop. Again, such enthusiasm and engagement made the whole day an absolute pleasure!
The children have also had fun looking back at their memories from their time at KEPS in preparation for the leavers' service next week. Still to come, our sailing trip - pictures to follow! Phew, what a brilliant week!
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The children are making the most of their last few weeks at KEPS. They have been volunteering to help out in Pre-school and always have a funny story to tell on their return! They had their last swim session this week, so we had to have a pool party! We had the music turned up loud, with the children requesting the songs (the girls’ taste in music was quite different to the boys!) and then the children played with the floats and toys in the pool.
It was transition morning at KEPS on Wednesday, so the Oak class children were really excited to spend an hour in Beech class. They particularly liked the bikes and dressing up! It's lovely for the children to have fun and spend time their friends in this special time. Lots more to come next week with the theatre and sailing trip!
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Oak class designed, set up and manned some brilliantly fun stalls at the June fayre. The children and parents really enjoyed playing their games which mostly involved getting the year 6s soaking wet. Lots of sweets were won, there were happy smiling faces and lots of money raised for the PTA. What a success!
The year 6s had their transition days this week at their new secondary schools. They came back to KEPS full of excitement about what they can look forward to in year 7 and beyond. Only two and a half weeks left at primary school!
WC 24/06/24
Oak class have been rehearsing their play 'Matilda' this week. Their roles are developing as they learn their words and timings. I'm amazed already by their talent and how quickly they remember their lines! We watched the film 'Matilda the musical' to remind ourselves of the story and to magpie ideas for our characters! It has been very hot in the classroom this week, so we had lots of time outside in the shade, reading our class book 'The Light in Everything', playing games and chilling out! The children practised their races for the upcoming Sports Day. Well done, Oak class - another busy but fun week!
WC 17/06/24
Oak class have been excited this week as we have started to read through our script for the Year 6 performance. I have been really impressed by the children's talents - it is going to be a hard job casting! The photos of the residential are now on our website, please take a look at all the adventures the children had. We have started reading our new class book 'The light in everything'. This has been sent to us by Huish Episcopi Academy and once read, we will be sending our book reviews to them.
Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School, Stembridge, Martock, Somerset, England, TA12 6BP